[ Скачать|Download (382.8 Kb) ] | 25.04.2021, 21:05 |
УДК 551.44 | Научная статья Пещера Череп располагается в окрестностях озера Баскунчак и относится к коррозионно-разрывному типу. Она известна в научной литературе с первой половины прошлого века. Первое описание пещеры сделано А.А. Гедеоновым в 1940 г. Пещера на тот момент имела среди местных жителей название «Сорок Дверей». Спустя несколько десятилетий удалось её идентифицировать и установить, что пещеры Сорок Дверей и Череп — это одна и та же пещерная полость. Вход в пещеру находится в основании склона крупной карстовой воронки, расположенной в центральной части карстового урочища Шарбулак. Вход представлен нависающим гротом, в глубине которого имеется расклиненная глыба гипса с изображением UDC 551.44 | Original Article The Cherep cave (the Scull cave) is located in the vicinity of the Baskunchak Lake and belongs to the corrosionruptured type. It has been known in scientific literature since the first half of the last century. The first description of the cave was made by A.A. Gedeonov in 1940. The cave at that time had the name of Sorok Dverey (Forty Doors) among the local residents. Several decades later, it was possible to identify it and establish that the Sorok Dverey Caves and the Cherep are the different names of one cavity. The cave entrance is located at the base of the slope in a large karst sinkhole located in the central part of the Sharbulak karst tract. The entrance is represented with an overhanging grotto, in the depth of which there is a wedged block of gypsum depicting a skull with bones, for which the cave received its modern name. The walls of the cave hall are partially covered with white crystalline secondary gypsum crust. The deposits of the cave are dominated with gypsum clastic material of various dimensions. The cave is inaccessible due to the accumulation of gypsum blocks inside the cave cavity. The condition of the cave is satisfactory. Previously, the cave was often visited by tourists, but after it became a part of the “Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky” natural reserve in 1997, the visiting stopped. | |
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